Wedding: What I wore

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My Wedding dress was from Phase 8 (if anyone is interested in buying it let me know, its a size 10) and I had terrible nightmares it wouldn’t fit round the just emerging baby-bump, but its very forgiving and a little stretchy. It had a gorgeous train, and my mum put in a ribbon and some tiny loops in the lining so that I could bustle it up for dancing, which in the end I didn’t bother with, whoops!
I wore a vintage faux fur cream jacket, from ‘To be worn again’ in Brighton, and Irregular Choice shoes. My heart print tights were from M&S.

My hair was plaited up & coiled with real pearls (family heirloom) plaited in, all done by my friend Yasmin, and the ‘veil’ was pinned in last minute, I just ordered a length of netting from eBay and we cut it to size just before we left for the church. As well as the ‘family pearls’ in my hair, I wore a ring from each of my grandmothers (both gold, so I wore them on my right hand) along with a silver and gold bracelet that I always wear, but I took off my others to avoid the jingle-jangle during the ceremony. I kept my engagement ring on, and Sam slid my wedding ring on top of it. I wore tiny little pearls studs in my ears and took out my tragus/other earrings too. The two rings were my ‘something old’ and ‘something borrowed’ (As one my mum normally wears daily), my dress was my ‘new’ and my nails the bottoms of my shoes were my ‘blue’
After out first dance I changed into a short beaded shift dress (which was from boohoo, of all places!) purely because I knew I would be hot and fed up with attempting to hold by belly in to avoid the bump showing too much (we hadn’t announced the baby yet!) and wanted to be able to dance without the restriction of a long dress!

I made my brooch bouquet myself, I thought it would be easier and cheaper as we knew we didn’t want any real flowers, but in fact it cost about £60 all in (which admittedly isn’t that much in the grand scheme of things!) but took HOURS to do. I do love how it turned out though, and will keep it for nostalgia!

I knew I needed some ‘me time’ the morning of my wedding so I went to Mac to have my makeup done, and the picture above shows it off to its best I think, basically I didn’t want to go ‘me but more natural’ or whatever, I wanted dark-ish smokey eyes with a bit of sparkle! I did my own nails, a baby blue (my ‘something blue’) with subtle holographic glitter at the top of the nails spreading outwards.

And if anyone is wondering, Sam wore a kilt in ‘Pride of Scotland’ tartan, because I didn’t like the colours of his family tartan (orange & green!) and we would’ve had to buy, not hire it! Just after this pic he changed into one of the braveheart style shirts with the laces, in black!


9 thoughts on “Wedding: What I wore

  1. Your dress is absolutely stunning. I love that photo of you sat on the bed you look so beautiful! I’m never the type of person to ever comment on wedding outfits – but all of yours was just absolutely gorgeous! Love the tights, the shoes, the hair, the bouquet! Amazing! (I’m going to stop gushing now haha) x

  2. Oh I just love the pics from your wedding. Your dress is utter perfection and you look so beautiful! I actually think your brooch bouquet is pretty darn bargainous – on Etsy you can pay up to £300 for one now! I’m charged with making my sister one from buttons for her big day…

    I love your makeup, nails and shoes too!

  3. oh my god you look divine, and I can’t believe the dress, its gorgeous, and absolutely perfect! Love the fact that you went to Mac – You mean, literally strolled into a mac counter and had a make over? If so, this is pretty epic and and awesome idea to get out for a while to avoid hustle! Aww I’m jealous 🙁 x

  4. you look absolutely beautiful, such a gorgeous couple! huge congratulations to you both :)! also, your bouquet is the lovliest thing xx

    In other news, both dresses are beautiful. Did no one notice you weren’t drinking? Also are you about on Saturday? I’m aware you’ll probably be popping sprog out or something but if you’re not Itd be nice to say hello!x

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