Wedding Wonders #2

Bouquets, from the extremely extravagant to the petite posies…
There are just so many to choose from!
I cant decide what I want. To be honest I am kind of tackling this tiny little decision first so avoid bigger ones (how are we going to make the seating plan so that each of our divorced sets of parents don’t have to endure each others company… what the frick will we do if it rains?) and seeing as we are not having any real flowers other than the ones that adorn the altar normally at the church (which the lovely church ladies will ensure match our as yet to be decided colour scheme)  having a flowery bouquet is not happening. Also I’d love to be able to keep the bouquet as a keepsake of the day.
Anyway, I digress… here are some images i’ve found on my trawl
You can see some more inspiration on my pinterest
What did you clutch as you walked down the Aisle? OR, what will you be clutching?

10 thoughts on “Wedding Wonders #2

  1. Just had a look on your Pinterest! Some lovely ideas on there. I particularly like the bouquet of purple/black arum lilies. You could easily re produce it with silk substitutes.

    I had a simple, small hand tied bouquet of cream roses and red hypericum berries with a few loops of beargrass! 😀 xx

  2. I love the brooch one!I guess it again depends what goes best with your theme?I think ive pinned some on my wedding pinterest.I love the button ones,paper ones and especially the fabric and knitted

  3. Oh wow! I love those jewelled ones, so cute and I’ve never seen anything like them before! I also really love the buttoned bouquet that’s on your Pinterest – that’s adorable! x (P.S. will add you to Draw Something later on! xx)

  4. these are so creative. I had a hand tied bouquet – white roses, red and yellow mini gerberas and gypsophilia. Probably spelled very wrong.

  5. I love these! I saw the brooch one ages ago and really looked at doing it. If you get a chance look at the blog million dresses. A few months ago she made an amazing one for her sister out of buttons and sparky earrings pieces and put instructions on showing how she made it. X

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