5 classic mistakes to avoid when visiting Florida

Theme parks, beautiful scenery, diverse cultures, amazing animals, nightlife, family activities, crystal clear waters and sandy beaches, there’s so much to see and do in Florida it’s difficult to know where to start.

Millions of families, solo travellers and couples visit the Orange county every single year, and while many of them enjoy uneventful holidays in the subtropical climate, not every tourist can say the same. Accidents in Florida can be quite common, especially if you’re unfamiliar with the area. From slips and trips, to pool accidents, dog bites and even animal attacks – if you want to speak to an Orange city personal injury lawyer, click the link.

There are plenty of musts and can’t miss events in Florida, however, there are also plenty of things you shouldn’t do. And if you’re a tourist who’s visiting the area for the first time, it makes sense to familiarise yourself with them.   Avoid making these classic mistakes when visiting Florida…

Not taking the wildlife seriously

Florida has such a diverse range of habitats and terrains from swamps like the Everglades to deep, dark forests, coastal habitats and even prairies. This means that indigenous wildlife varies greatly. While this is exciting for animal lovers and budding zoologists it also means you should exercise caution. Black bears, alligators, snakes, spiders, jellyfish and sharks are just some of the creatures who may attack if you get too close.

Not staying safe in the sun

Florida’s weather is hot and humid. Often unbearably so. The sun is incredibly intense and combined with the humidity, it can make spending prolonged time outdoors incredibly dangerous. If you’re enjoying the beach or time outdoors, ensure you’re drinking enough water, you have your head and eyes protected and you’re wearing sunscreen. You should also be wary of tropical downpours at least once a day!

Ignoring beach safety

Florida’s beaches are well maintained and there are always lifeguards on duty. However, if you fail to swim in the designated areas, aren’t wary of rip tides and currents, or even jellyfish and sharks, you could find yourself in danger. Again, sun safety is also important at the beach!

Drunk driving

You’re visiting Florida and you’re there to have a good time. Sadly, that often leads some tourists to get behind the wheel after enjoying some cool beers in the sun, or after a delicious meal at a local restaurant. Don’t be fooled into thinking you’re fit enough to drive, getting caught driving under the influence will not only ruin your vacation but potentially your life.

And finally…blowing your budget

Theme parks aside, Florida isn’t cheap. And it’s frighteningly easy to blow hundreds of dollars in a single day, especially if you’re travelling with family. Always complete plenty of research on restaurants and activities so you get the best prices and save as much money as possible.

Photo by Joël de Vriend on Unsplash

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