Athena & Arlo – August

This month my two small people have had a more hate than love relationship, but both seem to have grown up far more than they should in 30 days! Arlo has discovered that yanking Athena’s hair means not only does she get really angry but that it comes out too; now it’s his favourite thing to do if she has something he wants, or has taken something from whilst he was playing with it. Basically life between them is a game of of tug of war. She’s got it, he wants it. He’s got it, she wants it. It does become a bit draining having to act as a referee all the time and I really hope it doesn’t last too much longer!


When I write next months update we will have just finished the last month before Athena starts at pre school for three full days a week. Apart from school holidays it will be the end of them being together 24/7 and I’m interested to see how it changes their dynamic. I know that I am already slightly dreading having to entertain Arlo without her to help as he can be a bit of a handful to say the least! I do know though that I am craving some time with just Athena where I don’t have to keep one eye on Arlo at all times and can just just enjoy talking to her and watching what she’s showing me, as this kid loves to perform for us! I’m feeling a mother-daughter date coming on.


This months photos were taken at West Dean Gardens, which is north of Chichester and perfect for a summers day out! It’s basically the grounds of a big posh school, with lots of different areas and acres of grasslands perfect for rolling and playing. We sat down for a picnic lunch and a little family of ducks came to see what they could scrounge, doing rather well when they found two willing toddlers with a supply of brioche rolls!
The Me and Mine Project

4 thoughts on “Athena & Arlo – August

  1. Ahh lovely photos, I can’t believe how grown up Athena looks. Its funny how the squabbling starts now isnt it! Ours was at an all time high last month but this month it cooled off…fingers crossed the same happens for you!! #siblings

  2. Oh they look like they’re having a wonderful day out – fingers crossed that the little extra space that pre-school gives them will help switch the balance back to more love than hate, it’s so much easier when they’re getting on isn’t it!

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