Food: A celebratory roast

My husband Sam did his last shift at his old job this week, so as a celebration of the fact that we will be spending a lot more time together as a family (finally!) we celebrated with a roast dinner, which I actually enjoyed preparing as he took Athena to the park so I had no distractions and didn’t need to keep one eye on her at all times!
I did my old staple, lemon and ginger glazed chicken, so that we can have the leftovers for lunch tomorrow.
Saying that, I didn’t want to do any more than was necessary so opted for our old favourite Aunt Bessie’s yorkies (and roast potatoes too actually!) rather than do them from scratch myself (in fact it tends to only be Christmas that I can be bothered!). I am (not so secretly) hoping that Sam will return the roasty favour on Mothers Day as we’ll be away in a rented holiday apartment with friends on Mothers day, and it would be amazing if he and his friend cooked the two mama’s a lovely dinner so we can put our feet up! Watching this video made my mouth water, even though its been less than two hours since I ate my own dinner (which I wolfed down so fast I forgot to take photos of!)
Is anyone else planning to cook a roast for their mum on Mothers day? (it’s a week on Sunday in case you’ve got your head under a rock!)
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4 thoughts on “Food: A celebratory roast

  1. Can’t beat a good roast! I have a chicken in my freezer waiting to be roasted. I don’t like yorkshire Puds but I do have a bag of aunt Bessie’s roast veg in my freezer too, so I’ll have them with my chicken alongside some potato croquettes and home made chipolatas. Yum yum yum. Enjoy your time away! Xo

  2. That chicken looks delicious! Roasts are so hit and miss when I cook them, I only do them once in a blue moon to avoid the stress! Yours looks lovely though, and you can’t beat yorkshire puds!
    Carrie xx


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