Last year Sam did Movember properly, that is he ended the month looking like this:


This year he decided against doing that (hurrah!) and decided instead to just maintain his beard and ‘tache, then at the end of the month get rid of the ‘tache completely, preferring to keep his beard because he looks like an overgrown teenager with a bare chin! The lovely people at my favourite organic skincare company Green People were kind enough to send him the Classic Clean Shave set to help him keep his facial hair under control. So for the rest of this post it’s over to Sam!



I normally use a cut throat razor to shave with, although it takes more time and patience than a regular razor, and spare time is something I don’t often have much of. I was intrigued by the wash & shave gel as I normally use a cream. I liked the shave brush and no bristles have fallen out so far after a months use which is good going!

The shave gel doesn’t foam as much as I’m used to but still does the job though I found myself using a bit more to get more of a lather. As I’m use to a single blade razor it was odd using this type and found I didn’t get quite a close shave as i’m used to but then when you’re used to a cut throat nothing will ever be as good! I did find this set easier to take away with me when I stay away overnight for work, less messy and easier to pack.

The serum I was wary of because I have really sensitive skin (he does, like a baby – Lauren!) that is also pretty dry but I was hoping that all the organic stuff in it would be gentle and not give me any reactions. Luck was on my side, I think normally at this time of year my skin would be a lot drier so the serum does the job nicely and gave me no reactions and nice smooth soft skin.

Overall I’m impressed with the range, although will be going back to using my cut throat razor now the month is up! (And growing the ‘tache back please – Lauren!)

You can view the entire Homme range from Green People here, and they’re also offering free delivery on everything on the site throughout December!

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