I’m going Skiing!


Anyone who was reading my blog at the start of the year may remember me mentioning that Sam went off on a ‘lads holiday’ to Morzine in France for a snowy holiday, where he broke his elbow on the first day snowboarding! Well somehow he has persuaded me to go next year with him! In fact I didn’t need much persuading as this one isn’t a lads holiday and it will be us and two more families who we know really well. Also if I didn’t go it would mean being at home for a whole week with both kids on my own over my birthday!

I have never gone skiing or snowboarding before, but I will hopefully be able to have a few lessons at one of the indoor slopes in the UK before we go so I’m not a complete klutz on the slopes! Though to be honest it will be nice just to go somewhere different and enjoy hot chocolates in snowy surroundings! Because of the uber planner I can be I’ve already started to think about what we need to do/get/prepare for this holiday, as I know it will be upon us before we know it! Here’s my current brain-dump:

  • This will be both Athena and Arlos first flight, unless we miraculously book a holiday between now and January (not likely seeing as Sam starts a new job and will get very little time off!) so I have to think about entertaining them at the airport, on the flight and on the transfer from the airport (we fly in to Switzerland) to the resort in France! Oh, and we also need to get them their first passports too!
Athena practising her skiing stance!
  • I need to think about getting them toasty warm clothes too! Actually I will admit to kitting Athena out pretty much already! A proper snow suit from ebay, a pair of snowboots in a size bigger than she is now that came from a great local freecycle page and a gorgeous pair of purple sallopettes from a car boot sale! I don’t want to spend heaps on things as may never go again! Plus I’m not sure what size Arlo will be by then so I’m holding off getting him a snowsuit type thing, plus I have a gorgeous thick one of Athenas that should fit him around then!
  • How to transport a non-walker in all that snow is a bit of an issue, If I can I will be babywearing, but the roads and snow can be a bit treacherous to trek through so carrying him could be a bit dangerous! I need to investigate which buggies work well in snow, just in case I can get one at a good price second hand! It would be handy in the airport to have something to hang all the bags on though!
  • Packing! I LOVE writing packing lists, but have managed to hold off (6 months early would be a little excessive even by my standards!) but I am secure in the knowledge that good old BA give everyone (including Arlo even though he’s on my lap) a full suitcase plus two carry on bags! so hopefully we won’t be short of space!


And as for me… I’ve been scoping out some lovely ski jackets online, Russian Dolls, Feathers or Geometric print? Decisions Decisions!

Heat-holderI have actually made a start on my ‘suitable for snow’ wardrobe though as I was very kindly sent a hat and some gloves from Heat Holders, and although I’ve not needed to wear the gloves yet I can definitely vouch for the hat doing some proper heat-holding, although I am a little sad that I had to wear a hat in March & June! I love the cable knit style of the hat, a lot more fashionable than I expected it to look, plus the purple matches my new rain coat, and it has a super toasty later of fleece inside. The socks come in a variety of funky styles, and they do leggings too which I think will be a must for under my clothes when we go to the Alps!

Mums' Days

5 thoughts on “I’m going Skiing!

  1. You are CRAZY. There is no way I would take a baby on a winter holiday like that BUT high fives for going – you’ll have a great time, I just don’t have the balls for it x

  2. I’m so jealous. We went last year with our 3 and 5 year olds. It was fantastic and we certainly enjoyed the hot chocolate in a different location and playing in the snow. Good luck with all your preparations – I wish we were going too. #TheList

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