Before Arlo arrived this lovely little sleepsuit arrived for him from Zippysuit, but I had to wait a little while for him to grow into it, but now it well and truly fits and I love it!
The obvious difference between this and a regular sleepsuit is the zip, it runs up one leg to the neck, which makes taking it on and off a doddle, and so fast which is important during middle-of-the-night nappy changes! If I take my time during night time changes his decibels get loud enough to wake his sister, not ideal at all!
The suits are made from 100% cotton and feel really soft, and after a couple of washes this hasn’t changed which is a good sign! They’ve got a good amount of stretch in them too so no struggling to wrestle arms into tight sleeves!
The zip has a little poppered tab to stop it from flipping up and digging in to delicate baby necks or chins, but something that I think is really clever is that the backs of the ankles are elasticated! That means I don’t get the odd shock when he’s managed to pull one leg up to his chest inside his sleepsuit in the night! The feet part are also decently proportioned, so many sleepsuits have tiny little feet bit at the end, meaning we have to cut them off to avoid squashed toes! In size terms the rest of the suit is about the same size as most brands 0-3 months suits.
You can get Zippysuits in sizes up to 18 months, and the larger sizes have anti slip feet too! They also sell bibs, swaddle blankets and muslins too!
We were sent a zippy suit for the purpose of this review, all words and opinions my own.
That suit looks ace! What a great idea. Love the print too x