In July I…

  • Started work again after maternity leave. I’ll write more about this soon probably.
  • Started being a lot pickier with what I chose to take on blog wise. I am declining a lot of review offers as I was finding blogging was becoming a chore and not a fun hobby. I’ve also stopped putting pressure on myself to blog daily and am much happier. Sometimes I don’t even turn my laptop on in the evenings!
  • Started to enjoy showers! This may seem weird to shower lovers but I have always been a bath person, staying in there for hours. But the heat recently has meant that a shower is just what I need to feel refreshed, and I don’t waste an hour or two in there either!
  • have been reading more, mainly on my way to and from work on the train, or on nights when I don’t turn my laptop on (there will be a book review post coming soon)
  • started watching Nashville & American Horror Story.
  • Have been amazed at how well Athena has settled at nursery, and how much she has changed and developed as a person this month. She’s now definitely a toddler, and watching her stand up from sitting and then hurtle off to the front door when Sam comes home from work melts my heart.
  • Have had a few trips to the beach and my first swim in the sea of the year!
  • Spent a night away (my first away from Athena) with some awesome bloggers
  • Wrote about body confidence and how my opinion of how I look has changed over the years, which inspired two other bloggers to write about it too, hurrah! Here are posts from Sophie & Catherine, both blogs worth following too.
  • I wrote about my blogging history with some tips for people wanting to start blogging

Online love:

I wish I had a list of amazing blog  blogposts from fellow bloggers to read for you, but sadly I have read hardly any blogs this month, something had to give with going back to work! I’m still working on my blogroll too, whoops! However, recently I have had a look at – like Photoshop but online, you can create all sorts of images and designs with it. I’ve also been spending ages on EBay – I’ve been building up Athena’s next clothing size, 18 – 24 months. She’s not ready to move up yet (phew!) but I have a search through once a week or so and grab a few bundles of things for nursery etc. Other than that I have been spending less time on twitter and actually feel better for it! I’m still in love with instagram though!

Photo Love:

A few photos that I really love, there are so few photos of Athena and I together these days, so I asked Sam to snap some when we went for an evening walk on the beach last week, the tide was so far out it took us forever to reach the sea for a paddle!

One thought on “In July I

  1. Sounds to me like you’re doing a brilliant job of juggling work and motherhood and time for yourself to enjoy your hobbies too 🙂 The idea of A being able to run and greet Sam when he gets home is so sweet! Xxx

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