In which I bake a Pie


My favourite meal to cook is Pie! Any kind of pie (apart from steak and kidney) will do, but my ‘come dine with me’ dish would be chicken & leek. The recipe is my own, and I probably never make it the same twice in a row, but here is how to do it!

You need: 3 Chicken breasts, 3 Leeks, 1 onion, a small tub of cream, Half a bottle of white wine, a chicken stock cube & some herbs and spices, and some pastry (made, pre rolled or the add water variety!)


Roughly chop your onions, leeks & cube your chicken, & heat your oil in a deep saucepan


Brown the leeks & onions, then add the chicken. Once that’s cooked thoroughly reduce the heat and add wine! (about 1 large glass full) and let that reduce down to about half. Using the same amount of stock, add, and reduce.


Whilst that’s reducing, roll out your pastry (mine is the add water to the floury stuff type, I didn’t have time to make it from scratch), and have a glass of left over wine!  (‘scuse pyjamas!)


Add the cream, stir, and then add any spices you fancy! I use turmeric and tarragon normally. Simmer the whole load for about 5 minutes to let the chicken really absorb the flavour.


Add your pastry (I very crudely latticed it, but I normally do I complete topping with pastry leaves!

Cook for 35 mins at 200 degrees… and serve!

IMG_1530IMG_1531It was delicious!

(for people who don’t like pastry, you can top with sautee potatoes, or mash potatoes, browned under a grill)


And we had M&S profiteroles for pudding. scrumptious!


Any other Come Dine with Me addicts? What would your menu be?

9 thoughts on “In which I bake a Pie

  1. Love pie!! Yours looks so appetising with the hatch top! Am a huge come dine with me fan. I go over what I would cook in my head all the time. Id do.. a lasagna for main, apple and blackberry pie for desert (as so many people complain about chocolate deserts) but starter..  no idea!

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