In which I show a couple of weeks in Pictures

I started War&Peace// we listen to cool songs when driving
Old school charity boxes // pills to kill a cold
creepy dolls to stick in the tops of cakes // rainbow craft boxes
Top Hat? // Potential Wedding band… The Iron Bootscrapers
Sam’s Mums dog (a Bouvier), she is huge // Tea in a pretty teacup
shameless pose // Piano playing in the highstreet, why not?
awww sweet! (taken by Laura, from our engagement photos… a proper post to come!) // bendy hook magnets…
My friends fat dog // a very smartly dressed man //a not so smartly dressed man (he was a Stag, made to dress up by his friends)
AMAZINGLY glittery nail varnish (thanks Sarah!) // this months Feel Unique box // L’Occitane samples
I’ve started knitting! // an amazing book // egg and broccoli bake
The white horse on a hill // Lullington road (it just sounded pretty so I stopped to take a picture) // same with this house, I want to live in it.
Apologies that this is a fairly long post, but I haven’t had a particularly thrilling couple of weeks… so here is a bumper edition of iPhone pictures.
If you do posts like this, please please link me to your blogs in the comments, I love a good nose! I am contemplating filming a what’s in my bag video, thoughts?

21 thoughts on “In which I show a couple of weeks in Pictures

  1. these are cute! you should definitely do a what’s in my bag video.. currently one would find shoes, lipstick, and pens… hahahaha I know my priorities! I love iphone photo drops. here’s a link to mine

  2. So many lovely photos!
    1)War and Peace? Crazy lady! haha
    2) Your engagement photos are SO cute!
    3) Proper tea cups are amazing, it’s a shame you don’t see more of them!
    4) How much do you love Rainbow Connection?! Sooo glittery!
    Okay I think I’m done now, haha :). Have fun in Germany! xx

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