There’s nothing better than some physical activity and some fresh air to wear out your kids so they get a good night’s sleep; it’s also a great way to ensure they’re leading a healthy lifestyle. Sometimes your children just want to sit on the sofa, especially in the colder weather months, and watch cartoons. Therefore, you need to make your garden a space that tempts them to get out there with their siblings or the family dog and spend the day among nature. The following are some ideas for those who want to give their garden an appealing boost, so they’ll always be able to find their kids out there.
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A Growing Interest
Your little ones will love the idea of the responsibility surrounding growing their own plants. Invest in some plant pots or section off an area of the garden; you can then take a trip to the garden centre to pick some seeds with your child. Fruit and vegetables are a great choice when it comes to growing things with your little one; they’ll enjoy picking and eating the fruits (no pun intended) of their labour, which will encourage their gardening activities in the future. Perhaps invest in a partially grown apple tree, or a berry plant, and dig the soil with the kids so they can start to get excited about their outdoor environment.
A homemade scarecrow, some party windmills, and oilcloth bunting can all be arranged where you little one wants them to go, and they’ll feel like part of their garden is their own. You can invest in some mini gardening equipment, like little spades, garden forks, and towels so that your children have all they need to tend and care for their plants. If being outside and gardening becomes something your kids love; fresh air and exercise will be second nature and a habit.
Playing, Imagination, And Fun
Making your garden a fun and exciting place to be will also encourage tots and kids outside (and off the sofa with Peppa Pig). You could see if there are any trampolines for sale that you like the look of; hours of bouncy fun will ensure your child gets plenty of exercise and giggles throughout their time outside. If you have football or cricket fans in your household; invest in some bats, balls, and maybe a netted-goal, so that Saturdays can become striker days. Don’t forget to slice some oranges and provide refreshments at half time!
You can always stock up the shed with an array of your children’s toys that are perfect for outdoor play (preferably waterproof ones that are easily cleaned). If your little one knows that they need to be in the garden on a blanket or under the tree, to play with particular toys and games; they’ll be more tempted to get out there and do so. Get the whole family involved in games of Twister or Giant Jenga too; you can lead by example and show your kids just what a fun space their garden really is.