SDC13142 SDC13146 SDC13143

Another work outfit. I wore it belted in case people thought I was pregnant at work (see below) but belting it makes it err on the side of indecent lengthwise.

SDC13147 SDC13141

Dress shoes and scarf, all H&M sale. Belt, no idea. It came off a skirt I think. Blue bracelet a gift from Karen in Canada. She does awesome things with nail design, go and see! And, you can see Katy wearing the same dress here.

I love scarfs, even in the summer (what summer!) I feel more ‘put together’ with a scarf, and it keeps the chills at bay too. Also if it rains and you are without umbrella then you can cover your head dot cotton style.

This week has been the most hectic week EVER, but knowing where I work it will be trumped in not too long… I have the weekend off and on Sunday Sam and I are celebrating his new job (we won’t be working together anymore!) with a frankie and benny breakfast and a cinema trip, then Sunday night will be a takeaway and wedding planning, seeing as we don’t know when we’ll next get a day off together to do anything!

Tomorrow (Saturday) I am going to be scouting the streets of Brighton looking for fashionable people for a TK Maxx project, Fashion Treasure Seekers, so if you are in Brighton tomorrow from 1pm let me know (tweet me!) and bring your fashion savvy boyfriends/friends too! And pray the rain holds off for us please!

Have a great weekend, whatever you’re up to and whatever the weather!

4 thoughts on “LBD and TK Maxx

  1. Indecent…there’s totally no such thing! I do find there are some dresses in my wardrobe that need belting to avoid seeing ‘how far gone is she?!’ in people’s eyes. I do love your dress though, I wouldn’t say it’s overly ‘pregnant-y’ without the belt! Enjoy your weekend off 🙂 x

  2. Lovely dress. Cute scarf with it too. I have a dress that’s billowy too and I haven’t worn it ’cause I thought it looked pregnant-y. Lol. I’ll try it now that I’ve seen how good this one looks on you.

  3. I think it looks great belted and not. Who cares if it’s short? You’re young and have fab legs so who’s gonna mind 😉 x

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