May was a weird month, both Sam and I were away for bits of it, me once and he twice, and because it’s been so disjointed I feel like I can’t really remember much of what happened!
These photos were taken by my friend Amy, as my camera has been sent off for repair because the camera no longer recognised the lens – bit of a bummer really! Anyway, this was us this past weekend on our camping trip in the New Forest (you can read the blog post about it here and watch the video here should you wish) and we had a lovely time. The kids were exhausted by the end of the weekend, on the last night Arlo even asked if it was bed time and asked to be taken to bed – which is unheard of for this little sleep avoider!
Sam has:
- been enjoying sailing – he’s joined a local sailing club
- enjoyed a trip with his sister to see his dad in Scotland
- Also spent a few nights in Norfolk with his mum, taking the family boat out and visiting friends
- Learnt how to wallpaper!
Athena has:
- Been exhausted from school, and finally said she didn’t want to go one day before the holidays- for the first time since she started in September! (she did go, of course!)
- Loving camping with her best friend
- also loved getting to ‘see Peppa and George’ when we went for the grand opening of two new rides at Paultons Park
- really started to enjoy drawing, she told me she wants to be an artist!
Arlo has:
- Finally stopped being so much of a little wotsit at bedtimes and generally goes to sleep with no problems
- Started to play more imagination games with himself and his toys and it’s lovely to watch
- still not managed to want to stop wearing nappies, maybe next month will be the month!
- started calling peanut butter ‘crunchy nutter’ and babybels ‘cheesy bells’. I love him.
I have:
- rejoiced that the new sofas arrived and that I love the colour (lilac)
- been amazed we finally decorated the living room – we’ve only been here for 2 years!
- Been lazy with running. whoops
- loved reading more and watching less TV (I still watch a lot, don’t get me wrong!) Take a look at this post for what I read/watched/etc in May.