Me & Mine – March 2016

A photo of the four of us taken after a nice family meal round the dinner table, something that we never did in our old flat as it was too squished to do it really! Our new house has a nice big dining area so we can have our table pulled right out and the sun comes in through the bay window. We’re going to aim to have a proper dinner there most nights rather than off our knees on the sofa! 

This month we:

  • Spent a weekend in Norfolk with Sams family whilst he was off on a snowboarding holiday to Scotland where not much snowboarding happened because he was so poorly with that awful chest infection going round!
  • Whilst Sam was away we were obviously all about to come down with it too as almost the moment he walked through the door I felt rotten, then Arlo got it too so we had a week of snot and no sleep (less than usual even) all whilst attempting to pack boxes. Athena had a bad cough but that was about it!
  • Completed on our house purchase, got the keys, spent a lot of money at B&Q on paint and floors, and washing machines, fridge freezers and dishwashers, oh and bed frames, And vinyl flooring… Then decorated some rooms and laid a new floor in the kitchen!
  • Oh, then we went to Ikea, huzzah!
  • We moved in after two weeks of working on the new place, and still have a lot of sorting out to do, nothing is quite where it should be yet!
  • Athena took the move in her stride, and has slept through every night since we moved in (thank god!) despite being in a MUCH noisier location (busy road plus train gates/beeping!)
  • I’ve been enjoying being back at work, although I’m only doing one day a week for a couple of months it’s nice to walk to and from work on my own with a podcast, then have adult conversations and hot cups of tea!
  • Arlo turned ONE! Today in fact!
The Me and Mine Project

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