I spend a fair amount of time listening to podcasts these days, and prefer them to music actually! I find that I don’t really hear music, it just fades away into the background but if i’m listening to a podcast I pay more attention! I don’t have an iPhone so I listen to them using the Podcaster app (it’s free!) and mostly listen when i’m walking to and from the train station on my commute and often to drift off to sleep to. I have spent the last 2 days being violently ill and in bed, so podcasts have been keeping me sane as I drifted between sleeping and being sick. I thought I’d put together my favourites in case anyone needed any inspiration or is looking for some new ones to subscribe to!

Helen and Olly Answer me This

Definitely my #1 fave, these two (plus ‘Martin the soundman’) are hilarious. The concept is that listeners write/call in with a questions of the obscure/unusual variety for Helen and Olly to answer. More often than not they head off on a tangent before answering the question using a variety of research/personal knowledge/common sense.

Joy the Baker Podcast

Joy and Tracey are two American food bloggers, and their podcast is basically them just having a chin wag with each other. Sometimes they will answer a question from a listener and give advice but more often than not it’s just chatter, perfect to have on in the background when doing housework!

Janey Godley’s podcast

The Scottish comedienne and her daughter talk about all sorts, I love their thick Glaswegian accents and their ability to make me actually snigger aloud at times!

The Savage Lovecast

Not for under 18’s due to risqué content!! Dan Savage takes questions from listeners about all manner of love, relationship and sex queries.

Stuff you missed in History Class

Covering a huge array of different topics in bite-size chunks, well researched (not by wikipedia!) information is put together in easy to listen to segments. Often there will be a few episodes on the same subject if it’s a meaty one. There are literally hundreds of back episodes too. I will admit that sometimes I choose a boring topic to help me drift off to sleep to…

Stuff you should know

Similar to the above, but more ‘how things work… from Socialism, to TV ratings. The guys that present this show are amusing too, so it’s not like being lectured to at all!


Please share your podcast recommendations with me in the comments!

One thought on “My favourite podcasts

  1. All of these sound so intriguing. I’ve never really listened to podcasts before, with the exception of The Ricky Gervais Show. I listened to all of that while decorating our bedroom a few years ago (it took a really long time). I should probably start with the bottom one first, rather than a funny show, as my general knowledge is basically non-existent! xxx

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