In a bid to get kick myself up the behind and take my blogging back to basics, as it were, I’ve decided to re start some form of weekly round-up type jobby and i’m calling it ‘Stuff on a Sunday’. It might not be a weekly occurrence, especially if nothing of any great excitement has happened but hopefully it will be a place to dump the weeks goings on for prosperity and to give me a nice excuse to type a load of waffle.


So this week has been pretty up and and down. Last Saturday Athena and I went for lunch with her Jewish Godmother (so not an official one but as good as) and her boyfriend who were over for the weekend from Germany. It was lovely to meet him and to see Carla again but sadly lunch was marred by me being served uncooked chicken, and as it was breaded and spicy I didn’t realise for a couple of bites. I stopped eating right away, but by that point I had already given Athena some chips from my plate too. That night she was sick in bed which was horrible and the first time it’s ever happened and then the same the next night, but she didn’t wake up that time, poor little bugger! I’m not entirely sure it was down to the meal on Saturday but other than that we’d not eaten out or given her anything different to eat. We did however have a mega successful car-boot haul on Sunday, loads of books and toys for a certain someone!

Monday was a family day, we dropped a load of old toys and clothes of Athena’s off at my mums garage to attempt to make some space in our flat, then I bought Sam an early Christmas present (probably his only one!) which was a new Smart TV for our bedroom as the one on the wall in there which is the landlords doesn’t have an hdmi port or freeview, and we don’t own a dvd player or any DVDs anyway! I am absolutely chuffed with my purchase for two reasons… the first is that I can bring Athena into bed with us when she wakes up and give her some milk and let her watch Cbeebies and catch another 15 minutes kip! Reason number two came into play the next day…

Tuesday morning I woke up at 5am because I knew I was about to be sick. That was how the rest of the day went really, I spent it either sat on the bathroom floor with a mixing bowl or trying to sleep with the most painful stomach and throat ever from throwing up so much! I managed to drop Athena at Nursery as Sam had already left for work, and although I was sick on the way home (sorry to anyone who saw me, they probably thought I was drunk, mortifying) but if I had had to have her at home with me that day I dread to think what she would have got up to whilst I was suffering in the bathroom! By 6pm I was still unable to keep down water and hadn’t eaten anything since Monday lunchtime so was in a bit of a state, I called the NHS direct who got a doctor to call me back who said all the symptoms sounded like food poisoning, and to take tiny half sips of water in an attempt to dehydrate. Nothing changed till the early hours of Wednesday when I miraculously woke up at 8am having not been sick since about 3am! I still felt pretty weak not one hundred percent for the rest of the day but managed to eat toast and a yoghurt or two finally! I ummed and ahhed about reporting the restaurant to EHO, and probably wouldn’t have had they shown an ounce of sincerity about their muttered apology, or even sent the manager over. However none of that happened so I reported them! I doubt anything will come of it as I can’t prove it was that meal that made me ill but the doctor said the incubation period was about right for something like that.

So, Thursday was a good day indeed! Although I was back at work Sam was also working at my hotel that day so we drove in together so no train journey to endure! I also had a brand spanking shiny new Nokia Lumia 930 phone waiting for me at work to review, and after work I popped into Boux Avenue to choose a pair of PJs, and then after work met up with my friend Lynne for a gorgeous meal at Azure down on Brighton’s seafront, so blog posts for all those coming soon!


Friday was a pretty chilled day at home with Athena, a little trip to the park and a couple of long naps meant I was nice and refreshed (Even though it was super hot on Friday!) for a Green People Blogger event in the evening, which was a perfect way to spend a Friday night, good company and good chat and lots of lovely beauty products to play with!


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Saturday was another Family day and we headed in to Brighton to catch a bit of the Colour Run along the seafront, eat giant eclairs and get milk bubble teas for the journey to a couple of Garden Centres that we visited in the afternoon! Athena loves looking at fish and small furry animals it seems! Today was nice and chilled, a non-fruitful visit to a car boot sale, home for a nap then round to a friends house for a gorgeous roast dinner and play date, then back home for another nap! Yes, I partook in both nap times! Hence me writing this post at half past nine at night…

So, a waffly post always my favourite to write! Over and out…

I’m linking this post to Hannahs link up too!

2 thoughts on “Stuff on a Sunday #1

  1. I’m so sorry to hear that you and A were so ill! I hope that restaurant gets its comeuppance- it sounds like they need to fire that chef! It sounds like your week improved a lot as it went on at least- what lovely things you’ve been sent to review 🙂 I do enjoy your waffley posts, and a bit of alliteration never hurts either 🙂 xxx

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