Our favourite TotsBots Prints

So using cloth nappies saves you money, no doubt about that! However it is also quite easy to get a little bit obsessed with buying gorgeous nappies with lovely prints! People get as excited when TotsBots bring out a new print as they do when a band brings out a new single, I kid you not! It’s not hard to see why though really…

Read more about cloth nappies: Preparing to use reusables | Cloth Nappy FAQs | Newborn in cloth

Arlo is in cloth almost all the time (can I get a whoop whoop for saving the planet!) minus long car journeys and days when I am out of the house with both kids for the whole day (like London trips) as I don’t have enough hands for everyone and all the nappies but when Athena is potty trained we’ll be all over that 24/7 cloth bumming! In fact I think she’s ready to start soon but that’s a whole other blog post! Arlo uses Tots Bots Easy fits during the day and Bamboozles overnight. So far I don’t have to boost them and I change him every 2 to 3 hours during the day. He lasts for 10 to 11 hours in a bamboozle and has never leaked from one overnight! His nappies are a glorious selection of block colours, but sometimes I pop one of Athenas nappies on him if ‘his’ are in the wash. Let me give you this tip: If you have a baby boy then please, please decide which lovely print to stick on the bum next before you take the old nappy off. If you don’t, and dither about deciding you WILL get piddled on. I speak from experience, twice.

nature girl totsbots

One of my favourite prints is Sixpence from the nursery rhyme collection, which was Athenas and in fact still fits her now! Its great having to only take out a few cloth nappies rather than making sure I’ve got both their sizes in disposable!

Another favourite is Cherrylicious, although Arlo hasn’t worn that yet, but here is a snap of Athena in it a couple of months ago, along with Arlo in a Bamboozle before I added a wrap!

She also has Nature Girl and Flower Power, and although I am all for non gender specific clothes I think these may be pushing a bit for Arlos botty! I’m keeping my eyes out for Cosmic or Starburst for him… the great thing about TotsBots is that people really look after them so you can sell and trade should you wish (much to Sams chagrin!)


These four glorious prints are part of the current collaboration with Frugi! I accidentally bought myself a new nursing dress whilst I was grabbing this picture from the website, that’s how lovely everything is! I already have one nursing dress from Frugi (here’s a review) and it makes nursing in public so much easier that I couldn’t resist getting it in a different pattern! Anyway, I digressed but how sweet is the penguin and polar bear design at the end!

totsbots peenut

Lastly, I fear for my bank balance because TotsBots have just released a very snazzy looking new system called the ‘PeeNut’ which is another birth to potty system consisting of a wrap and pad and the wraps come in all the favourite prints too!

If you’re a cloth bum mum then do please share your favourite prints with me! And if you’re not feel free to ask any questions if you’re interested in trying it out!


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