Recipe: Blueberry Breakfast Farina

Blueberry Farina

I am a huge fan of hot breakfasts, I find you feel fuller for longer which is always a good thing! I wanted to find an alternative to porridge and settled on using Farina (milled wheat basically, Farina means flour in Latin) and it’s similar to semolina but a lot finer. I’ve perfected this recipe with blueberries in but you could quite easily make up a big pan of plain farina and then let everyone add their own favourite ingredients (my husbands is Jam, my daughters is chocolate spread!) but it’s a great way to so start the weekend off right no matter what you’re up to!


Blueberry Farina

Blueberry Farina

Ingredients: (makes 2 servings)
450ml water
400ml Cravendale semi skimmed Milk
10 tablespoons of Farina
2 Tablespoons of brown sugar
1/2 tsp ground nutmeg
2 handfuls of fresh blueberries, divided
5 Tbsp Skyr Yoghurt


Put the Milk & water in a saucepan and bring to the boil, then reduce heat to medium
Sprinkle in the farina and stir continuously until it starts to thicken
Reduce heat to low but keep stirring and add in the sugar, nutmeg, and 3 tablespoons of Skyr. Once it’s all mixed in chuck in a handful of blueberries and stir briefly.
Take off the heat and divide into bowls.
Add a spoonful of Skyr Yoghurt and another sprinkling of blueberries to serve.

You can put pretty much anything you fancy in your breakfast Farina, and can substitute Cravendale for lacto-free milk if required too. Bananas work well chopped up and mixed in once it’s cooked.

Blueberry Farina

To view more of my Choose Goodness recipes with Arla click here, and you can visit their site to learn more about Arla’s products and the Choose Goodness campaign.

7 thoughts on “Recipe: Blueberry Breakfast Farina

  1. I have honestly never heard of Farina before, but i do love a hot breakfast and am always looking for something to change it up a little bit so will have to give this a try. I’m with your daughter – chocolate spread all the way 😉 xx

  2. I’d never heard of Farina before. I’m a big fan of porridge and hot breakfasts in general so I’m tempted to give this ago. We’ve always got a stash of blueberries in the fridge too!

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