Stuff on a Sunday #39

Last Sunday was AWESOME because I made a trip up to see my favourite redhead Donna. We arrived in time for lunch and she’d put on a lovely buffet lunch for us, the little ones sat and ate at the kids table and we chatted. Then they headed into her garden (complete with playhouse, swings, slide and sand pit!) which kept them super busy so we could catch up some more! When her husband arrived home he fired up the BBQ, so not only did I have a lovely day, but Athena was knackered out by the time we got in the car and we were full of BBQ food too!


On Monday we visited a local county centre, it has a cafe, play park and lots of animals to gawp at too! After a nap at home we popped round to a friends house round the corner and chilled in their garden, where Athena basically pinched all S’s toys! Tuesday was an Athena at nursery day, it was a bit drizzly too so I made the most of having the car (as Sam was away for work overnight but drove up with someone else) so we drove to the post office to send off some ebay bits and then headed to Tesco for a bit of food, as well as to exchange some sandals I bought for Athena for the next size up! I also got her some knickers in the sale as I think potty training isn’t too far off!

Wednesday was also soggy and wet, so we tried out a new playgroup, I had invited two other mums that I know so I introduced them, and then the new upstairs neighbour and her kid and new baby arrived too! It was a nice playgroup but we won’t be able to go next week and then it shuts for 6 weeks of the summer hols! darn it! We had a mortgage advisor visit us in the evening too, thrilling stuff.


Sam was away again for the day and night on Thursday, so of course Arlo started the day at about 2.15am and grizzled through all of it, only falling asleep just as I was planning to leave for playgroup. We did go to the park with Sophie and her kid though, via the chemist for some Gripe Water in case that was the problem. Grizzle monster had his 2nd set of jabs too, but thankfully they seemed to make him a bit sleepy after wards so I took him to a Body Shop event in Brighton Marina with me (don’t worry, my Mum came to look after Athena, I didn’t leave her home alone!)



Friday was pretty lazy, we strolled to town after we’d all napped (love it when the stars align to make a triple nap happen!) and I treated myself to a chocolate cream starbucks thing, that Athena stole most of! I also popped in to register with a new estate agent, and the moment I got through the door Athena leapt out of the buggy and started jumping on their sofas and Arlo just started to wail because he could. The poor guy didn’t know quite what to do! Sam drove to meet us at the park once we’d strolled along the seafront for a bit, then he and Athena got a bit wet in the water mist fountain things!

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As normal Saturday is a waterbabies swim lesson for Arlo, but we went to the park in the morning too even though it took forever to get there as Athena scooted there, she’s not quite got her speed up yet!


4 thoughts on “Stuff on a Sunday #39

  1. Sounds like a busy, if not a little tiring, week! I wish I lived nearer to some of my blogging friends, they all seem to be the other side of the country.

    Most of our favourite groups finished for the summer holidays too – no idea what we are going to do with ourselves!

    Love the photo of Athena and Arlo together – butter wouldn’t melt! 😉

    #TWTWC xx

  2. What a lovely week and I’m very excited to read of your mortgage plans and estate agent visits, eek! And the beach, hard to believe that’s in the UK!! We do live in a beautiful country if we could just guarantee the weather a bit more x #TWTWC

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