I missed last Sundays post because I was away in Milton Keynes, but most of the week before that was spent in Morocco (I will get a post up soon!) so I’m going to skip over that week and focus on this one, which was pretty dull even by my standards. In my defence I was suffering from the post holiday blues!

Monday: We had a chilled out day mostly at home apart from a trip to a medical centre one town over for the flu jab, then a family trip to Asda when Sam got home from work. I bought Athena a 2 pack of PJs which I later discovered was missing one of the pairs of bottoms. I avoided my emails and didn’t even turn on my laptop, and went to bed early with a book.

A honeycomb hot chocolate for my first commute back to work

Tuesday: back at work after 11 days away. It was busy-ish and I caught up with all the gossip. Pretty much the same for Wednesday and Thursday, although I did eventually turn my laptop on and deal with some emails after work one of the days!

Friday: Seeing as Sam had come down with the flu on Thursday night he woke up like a bear with a sore head at 5am on Friday to head to work, then Athena woke up an hour earlier than normal at 7am, but stayed in bed with me for almost 2 hours watching Cbeebies whilst I snoozed. She had a sore throat and was all sweaty and not well either, so we stayed in all day (killer, I wish we had wrapped up and just gone for a walk round the block even!) and then once both the sickies were in bed I headed to Asda to get out of the house! I went to swap the PJs over, but none were left in right size, then miraculously I spotted the missing pair of PJ bottoms randomly dumped in the ‘special offers’ basket, hallelujah! I bought two tubs of Ben n Jerry’s (for our sore throats, obviously) and headed home to avoid Children in Need (not a Wogan fan) and caught up with last weeks and this weeks Gogglebox. Please tell me someone else watches it, I think it’s amazing. I was also 20 weeks pregnant!

Saturday: Sam was still sick but at least he was at work coughing not at home, Athena woke up in a grump and I later realised it’s because she’s got a tooth coming through and has bleeding gums because of it. After her morning nap we went to town to return some library books, check out the Christmas decs in Wilkinsons (I caved and bought some) and popped in for a quick play in the park before coming home for more calpol and another nap.

Today will be breakfast at a friends house, taking some of Athena’s outgrown clothes and toys round to my mums garage for storage and a little browse of the Christmas displays at a local Garden centre probably!

Athena meets monty the penguin

Other things this week: I like the John Lewis xmas advert because I like the idea of a horny penguin. I *think* I like the Sainsbury’s advert but there’s something I can’t quite put my finger on that isn’t right about it… and I really like the Debenhams advert because it reminds me of the TV show ‘The greatest store in the world’ (go watch it on youtube now!) because who wouldn’t want to live in a department store?

Please tell me you had a more exciting week than I did?

I’m linking up to #TWTWC on Hannah’s blog.

2 thoughts on “Stuff on a Sunday #7

  1. Oh no another household with poorly people! I hope you’re all on the mend! Loving the photo with Monty I love the advert Sainsburys is my favourite since I discovered they are selling the chocolate they show in the advert it’s kinda taken that away despite all proceeds going to charity. I’m loving the Xmas Ads this year! Ps Googlebox is fab! Xx

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