Sunday Scrapbook – A catch up

I’ve not done a Scrapbook Sunday post for absolutely ages and feel a bit bad about it… for the uninitiated they are basically diary/chatty/catch up style posts where I waffle on a little about what we’ve been up to. When I was doing a lot more ‘commercial’ blogging up to about this time last year I felt like they helped to balance out the ‘human’ness of the blog vs reviews and campaigns. Now don’t get me wrong, I love writing review posts (because I only accept things that I think we would love/get a lot of use out of or are generally a good idea) but I felt like a weekly post all about how I felt/what we were doing along with the monthly family photo posts were a good way to keep the blog grounded… but then I started working full time hours on client accounts and the personal side of blogging fell to the wayside. So here I am, picking things back up again and hoping I can keep it regular!

So, the year started off slowly, but that’s okay – sometimes we need some down time. I actually had a proper week off over Christmas and New Year – something that despite being freelance for a few years now had never properly happened, it was a dream!  At the end of January Sam and I flew to New York and had a lovely 5 kid free day break. Now we’re planning for our next trip which is long weekend as a family in Budapest, where Sam is running a half marathon. We’re taking the kids out of school one day before the easter break and coming back four days later – and I can’t wait! Arlo is super excited to be flying (he can’t remember his last flight as he was only 9 months old!)

I’m also a month into to my ‘No Spend Year’ challenge – because January didn’t count as we had New York Spending, although to be fair we didn’t spend very much, and didn’t buy anything before we left, but I thought whole months was easier to account for. I’m planning on doing an update monthly on that so stay tuned.

We’re on half term here now, and that means we’re half way through the school year – how crazy! It only feels like a few weeks ago that Arlo was putting his brand new school uniform on for the first time. We’ve got no major plans over the week off, just catching up with friends, getting some reading practise in and doing some baking. I think all the rain we’ve had recently has made even the kids want to stay in more.

We popped into town this morning so the kids could by some new books with a gift voucher they had from Christmas, got thoroughly blown about but came home with two new books each and some phonics flashcards – so that’s our Sunday afternoon plans sorted!

Really hoping everyone is safe whilst Storm Dennis batters the country. Thankfully apart from a small powercut here yesterday we’re unscathed.


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