The Benefits of Sports in Schools

Most children, especially primary school aged, have at least one hour of PE per week to help them with a variety of key skills. Even if your child isn’t the sportiest of people, PE will help them with their hand-eye co-ordination, ability to work as part of a team, problem solving techniques, and their general health and fitness. I have teamed up with a private school in North London to explore the benefits of sports in schools in further detail.

Children have an abundance of energy, which they are not able to burn through whilst sitting at a desk all day. Sport gives them a chance to blow off some steam and engage their bodies, not just their minds. Generally speaking, exercise is a great way to loosen up and reduce stress. As a result, they typically return to the classroom feeling refreshed and ready to continue learning. 

Sport is also a great way to boost a child’s confidence. They may win a match or get a new personal best, which will give them a sense of pride. Even if they don’t win a match, they will receive constructive criticism from the coach or PE teacher, which will help them learn and develop next time. A confident child may feel more comfortable getting involved in class discussions, meeting new people and taking risks. What’s more, achieving goals in one area of life may encourage a child to work harder to achieve goals in other areas. 

These are just a couple of ways that sport can benefit a child. It’s also a great way to teach discipline, leadership, and communication skills. What’s more, it may help them find a life-long passion that they can carry through life and even into a future career. One of the great things about sport is that there’s something for everyone! Get in touch with your child’s school to find out more about sporting provisions they offer to students and how that might help your child.

Collaborative post. Photo by Treddy Chen on Unsplash

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