
[Kir royale for breakfast… oh go on]


[Verne & Kenny]



[a crazy drunken night in a nightclub in Capetown for my 26th Birthday. we danced till 5am then strolled back to the hotel watching the sun rise over table mountain, despite warnings to get a cab ‘it isn’t safe’. We sat up talking on the balcony till 11am and the sun got too strong…]


RIP Kenny. I hope that you are now at peace, although nobody knew you were suffering the feelings that led to your decision to take your own life I know that you will be remembered for being the vivacious, chatty outgoing person that could make a stranger laugh within minutes.

I just wanted to take a few minutes to add a small tribute to Kenny on this, my little space on the internet. I’d like to thank everyone for their lovely messages of sympathy and support to me, it really did help me. I know that time is a healer, and as Sam is away in Norfolk this week, I have made plans each night after work to ensure that I am keeping busy so I have less time to think about it. Needless to say I’ve not been sleeping brilliantly but I can only imagine how his family are feeling.

Most of these pictures were taken on my South African trip a few years ago. Is anybody interested in seeing more pictures of this lovely part of the world?

16 thoughts on “A tribute

  1. Oh Lauren, I am ever so sorry for your loss. And it’s really never easy. It makes me sad that you’re currently alone as Sam is away. Try keep yourself busy like you are, but also remember that you are allowed to cry and feel weak.. These things we want never to happen, but they do and it’s just so sad.
    He is obviously in a better place right now which is what you have to try and think.. and I bet if he was looking down, he’d be thinking “why she writing about me on her blog?! I don’t wanna be on a FASHION BLOG!” or something like that?!
    Sending you lots of love and hugs and sloppy kisses.xx

  2. I’m so sorry to hear about your friend, that’s just so sad and I can’t imagine what you and the rest of his friends and family are going through.  It will never be any less of a tragedy and I don’t think you will ever stop missing him but in time you will be able to remember him and smile and treasure the happy memories you had with him rather than feeling sad.  Sending you hugs and thinking of you.xxx

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