Brighton on the Beach

If you follow me on Instagram or twitter you will probably have seen me majorly making up for my social media absence of late on Friday night and Saturday morning! If not then you missed this delight:

I was super lucky to have been invited to an amazing night and day thanks to OnThe Beach. Along with thirteen or so other bloggers I was wined, dined, pampered and had a thoroughly spiffing time!


We checked into our hotel, scoffed the macaroon that were waiting for us and then strolled down to the Big Screen on Brighton’s seafront. We were ushered into the VIP area to watch Alpha Papa (with an introduction by Steve Coogan himself no less) but I’ll be honest, I actually spent the whole film chatting to everybody, catching up and making new friends, and drinking rose and eating a hotdog from the Meat Liquor food stand! Amusingly there were a group of stags watching the show with Alan Partridge face masks, and Steve Coogan went over to have his photo taken with them all, but I don’t think he realised that the Stag errr, how can I put this delicately… exposed himself just above his head in the photos!

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After the film ended we toddled back through Brighton to the hotel and were taken to a room laden with Lush goodies, perfect for pampering! Not only that but we all had a dressing gown with our blog name embroidered on the back too, that seriously made my day! There were glasses of bubbles and seaside themed cupcakes to nibble on whilst we beautified. I think the most amusing sight was four bloggers in the shower scrubbing at their feet (I was one of them!) whilst wearing facemasks! We had a good giggle and I left for my room with a fresh face, smooth feet and a belly full of cupcake, and laden with a lovely goody bag full of even more pampering treats!


The next morning we had a leisurely cooked breakfast at the hotel, with a little run down of the previous nights antics (apparently I shouted ‘testicleeesssssss’ when the dude tea-bagged Steve Coogan, whoops) over cups of tea and coffee, and berated the seagulls of Brighton for keeping some people awake (I must be immune to it now though as I didn’t hear them!)

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After breakfast we checked out and headed to the Painting Pottery Cafe to get our crafty selves some personalised mugs and bowls! I spent 2 hours perfecting a lilac hued chevron mug, and I cannot WAIT to go and pick it up once they’ve glazed it for me! It holds a full pint… no more thimble sized mugs of tea at work! It was so therapeutic, I will definitely be going back again, and when Athena is a little older it will be something she can enjoy too! I will think more about my design next time too, although I knew chevrons was what I was after. There was a lot of pinterest-ing going on as people decided what to do!

Bare faced bloggers!

On The Beach is a travel company specialising in low cost beach holidays all over the world. I admit I may have got a little distracted on the site when I was writing this post, I quite fancy a week in Goa now!

So thank you to On The Beach for giving us all such a lovely weekend, it was truly amazing and I’ll always have my hand painted mug to remember it by! Check out the #BrightonOTB for the other posts, lots of pictures and to find out who else was there!

[Some of the photos in this post were nabbed from Lyndsay, Sophie & Michelle]

5 thoughts on “Brighton on the Beach

  1. It looks so good! I am still so sad I had to miss it, silly family commitments! I am in love with all your robes 🙂 Instead of tea or coffee, maybe we should do a pottery painting catch up!! So glad you had an amazing time
    Chambray & Curls /

  2. How amazing are the robes! So cool! This looks really fun, painting ceramics takes me back, I didn’t realise there were still places like that!

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