In which I buy an unsuitable jacket


Jacket –  H by henry Holland (website)

Dress – Rare via ASOS

Lace body – Primark

Leggings – topshop midget section

shoes – primark? maybe (I know they don’t really go but I have hardly any shoes that fit anymore due to the great shoe size shrinkage of 2011)

scarf – camden somewhere or other


The dress has pockets (LOVE dresses with pockets) and tiny gold stud detailing round the neckline and pockets, and a tie at the back. I’ve lost weight since I got this so the top part down to the gathered (high) waist is a bit baggy, but short of a boob job, what you gonna do? Ce la vie! There is a black sheer lining that falls about 2 inches under the hem of the floral material, but weirdly at the front its higher, which looks alright in my opinion although I am not convinced this is how it was when I first bought it! That’ll teach me to tumble dry EVERYTHING.


The jacket is my new favourite jacket, but currently too darned cold to wear. Sophie was my shopping buddy the day I got it [back story, i’d been stalking a green leather jacket in zara for about 5 months 2 years ago and never managed to buy it, i saw this and remembered that one, and ummed and aahhhed and then she made me buy it] and it was reduced in the H by henry holland bit of debenhams. The website claims it is turquoise, but it most certainly is not. It is bottle green for sure. lots of little pockets and buckles and poppers, and dark enough to go with most other colours without clashing too horrifically!



Eyes were: benefit birthday suit with urban decay toasted in the crease, black liquid eyeliner and a lot of mascara, as per.


I honestly have not a lot to say other than I am very much looking forward to having a week and a bit off work, even if I am on call for most of it. I’m staying in Brighton until the 29th, when I’m driving up to Norfolk to spend next weekend up there, with a visit to my amazingly pregnant friend on the way home (and maybe ikea if the boy falls asleep in the car and I can take the exit off the m25 without him having a strop!)

I will no doubt be posting between now and then anyway! I have a friend over tomorrow night for a night in with facemasks and sparkling rose and FINALLY sorting and organising my ridiculously large make up collection. Its spread all over my dresser and in several drawers and my big fold out toolkit so hopefully it will all be sorted, wiped and organised, ready for my super saving 3 months of no spending.

I’m feeling rather pleased with myself for having won two blog giveaways (Sarah-Leighs and Sarahs) a free engagement photoshoot from the amazingly lovely and sweet Laura (I literally couldn’t believe this, and am ridiculously excited, she’s got her work cut out getting me and the boy in the same frame tho! go check her photography website & blog) and also winning 2 huge Aussie bottles on Tabithas twitter giveaway. AND to top it all off I got free tickets to see the Nutcracker Ballet at the Brighton Dome, for their opening night tonight via a connection at work.  So even if my luck runs out, I’m a very VERY happy bunny right now!


Christmas food shop and present buying all done now, and I had a kitchen cupboard clear out today (one WHOLE bin bag full of plastic bags, and a page of the sun newspaper from 2006. I moved here in 2009, weird)

What a ramble… sorry! Let me know your plans for Christmas and new year? What was the last thing you won?

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