In which I have a baby

Meet Athena Lorelei, born on Thursday 6th June at 9.54am, weighing 7lbs14oz
We were discharged on Friday evening and have been settling in at home as a family of three! Sam has been immensely helpful in doing pretty much everything as I’m meant to be taking it easy so I don’t put strain on the C-section scar, but I’ve got painkillers and am injecting myself daily to combat any ill-effects, and currently don’t feel too bad at all! 

 Athena is amazing, I can’t believe she’s ours! Needless to say blogging isn’t my #1 priority at the moment but I’ll be back soon! 

20 thoughts on “In which I have a baby

  1. As i’ve said before and will again! Congratulations, she’s a beaut with a gorgeous name to boot! Don’t worry about blogging, we’ll all be here when you feel up to it, just enjoy her as they don’t stay all cute and cuddly for long!

    Amy x

  2. She’s beautiful and I love the name so much! I can’t believe you found the time to blog this 🙂 hope you’re all enjoying your time together, congratulations xx

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