What the Kids wore: Pikku Online

I had an email a couple of weeks back from Minna, the lovely lady behind Pikku. Pikku means ‘little one’ in Finish, which is where Minna comes from originally. Now though she has not only opened up an online store selling some amazing brands and styles of clothes for little ones, but she has also opened a childrens hair dressing salon in Newcastle too, in a specially designed child friendly environment! I’m yet to cut either of my ‘pikkus’ hair yet but wouldn’t it be amazing to make it a really special occasion in a children only salon? Shame we’re so far away! Anyway, Minna sent a parcel of clothes for Athena and Arlo to try out, from a variety of different brands that she stocks in her shop. There are a few brands that I’d heard of before, like Slugs and Snails, and  Blade and Rose but there are also lots of new brands. There’s a great variety of modern, classic and scandi brands too!


Here’s Arlo in a T shirt from ‘Kite’, a UK brand based in Dorset who use organic cottons. It’s a delicious mustard yellow, with stretchy cuffs and poppers at the neck for head-popping ability! They do a range of really bright colourful clothes with bold prints (fire engines, animals etc) and some floral patterns too.

Athena has started really embracing ‘Hygge‘ (apparently it’s the Danish word for cosiness and is all the rage!) and can more often than not be found with ‘my pillow’ (though it is actually the one I used to use to breastfeed Arlo when he was small) on the sofa, thumb in mouth curled up watching frozen something educational. Now however she has the cosiest jumpsuit to do it in! I’m all for kids wearing comfy clothes, which is why I don’t dress them in jeans very often and this really is the epitome of comfy! It’s a zip front jump suit in gorgeous soft purple jersey material with contrasting yellow cuffs, collar and amazing pockets. And would you believe it, when I looked up AlbaBaby, the designer, they’re Danish, so they know what Hygge is all about! This is going to come in SO handy for when we visit the Alps in January, it might even be her travelling outfit, It’s in a size 3-4  and has plenty of growing room left, as Athena is just leaving aged 2-3 things as she’s so tall!


Minna also sent each of the kids a pair of Blade and Rose leggings, Athena’s have a perfect little christmas pudding on them, and Arlo’s have a monster! They’re made from soft combed cotton & Nylon, so they’re super stretchy but really warm so perfect for this colder weather! They look fantastic tucked into Athena’s yellow wellies, and go well with her striped winter dress! And for Arlo anything on his cute little (well, big as he wears cloth nappies!) tushy is going to look adorable, and I see so much of it as he crawls around these days! I also love that as they’re so stretchy I can pull them down over his socks for an added layer of warmth when we’re out in the sling! We got a LOT of compliments on these at playgroups this week!

Finally, I have my own little Christmas Elf! Stuff all that elf of the shelf business, I’ve got my own cuddly one! I’d heard a lot about slugs and snails tights, and these are the cutest things ever! Again, these will be perfect for our snowy holiday, and he can’t pull them off like he can socks! Definitely one for when he meets Santa at playgroup on Monday too!

There are another couple of brands that have caught my eye that Pikku stock; Pigeon who have some lovely bold print rompers and Guguu who make awesome leggings with different coloured legs and some really comfy looking dresses, snoods and jackets!

If you’re into funky, different kids clothes then I definitely recommend a visit to Pikku Online, and do check out their Facebook Page too as they’re discounting a different brand each week in December!

7 thoughts on “What the Kids wore: Pikku Online

  1. You got a good range of outfits to try out on both Athena and Arlo, they are all lovely. I can’t believe how much Arlo has changed over the past few months, time really has flown! Pikku Online looks great, thank you for sharing #TT_Thursday

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