This last week has been fairly wet. I have more pictures of Athena jumping in puddles on my phone than anything else I think! We’ve not done anything particularly exciting and all the days seem to merge into each other so here’s a little list:
Got up and onto a train with both kids by myself before 7am, arrived in london at rush hour and managed to get a bus to where we needed to be on time! Oh yes! I can’t share what we were doing just yet but it was exciting and involved a lot of photos (not blog related but I will share when I can!)
Had two more house viewings after a week off from the hunt, offered on a place and had it accepted the same day!
Packed away all of Arlos 3-6 month clothes to take up to friends and family in Norfolk next week. he’s only just about to turn 5 months, he’s too big!
Built Athena her new mid sleeper bed, it’s a single bed as we need her cotbed for Arlo, and she looks SO small in it but is loving the ladder to get up and down!
A pretty dull week all told, apart from the hopeful new home purchase! But after the disappointment of last time i’m not getting too excited until we actually have our keys in our hands!
Cute photos 🙂
Maria V.
Lovely pics. Seem the little girl had a lot of fun on the first pic.