Stuff on a Sunday #3

Well, this week has been a fairly quiet one. I can’t actually even remember what happened on Monday if I’m honest. I suspect the highlight was a trip to Tesco though.


Tuesday to Thursday I was working, so nothing much to report there either, apart from the fact that I fell asleep on the train on the way home on Thursday and almost missed my stop! We did have a delicious beef curry though one night, which I will blog about soon because the recipe worked really well! Oh, I also got excited for autumn!

Friday was a quick trip in to town to pick up an order from New Look of maternity things, including a maxi dress for my holiday made for people who are 7’3 it seems. Bummer. I also bought Athena a load of crayons and some colouring books, and an air freshener which means opening the kitchen bin no longer makes me feel sick (damn pregnancy heightened smell!)

I also bought some pants from M&S, now tell me fine people of the internet. What knickers do you wear that are comfortable? I am long beyond thongs and lacy Brazilian cut pants… all I want is knickers that have a gusset more than 2cm’s wide that won’t shrink in the wash or un ravel at the leg elastics. I am hoping M&S is the answer… but do let me in on your pant buying secrets, I’m begging you!


Saturday was an exciting day, I got to catch up with Skye over a huge waffle, then we spent the most delicious afternoon at Chocoholly learning how to make truffles! It was divine and I’ll share lots more about the experience soon! We also popped into M&S again on the way back home and I managed to buy a really discounted nightie for my hospital bag! It is super soft and buttons all the way up the front, super unstylish but I loved having a new nightie to put on when I had Athena (although I was sick over it due to the epidural meds but hopefully that won’t happen this time!)

I also wrote about the first three months of this pregnancy and also my first trimester pregnancy essentials amongst other things!

Today is going to be a good day, as Sam and I are off to the cinema for the first time together since we had A (we’ve taken her to  a few baby screenings but you can’t really concentrate on the film as much!) and then off to dinner in Chichester. My mum is on Athena duty tonight, and although she’s had her for bedtimes before not since we used to wait for her to fall asleep on someone then plonk her in the cot, but hopefully she’ll be as good for her as she is for us!

One thought on “Stuff on a Sunday #3

  1. Firstly pants! short style ones from Tesco! Super comfy.
    Sounds like a good week hun, I remember that pregnancy smell thing, puke! I hope you had a wonderful evening and that Athena was a good girl. Thanks for linking to #TWTWC xx

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