Stuff on a Sunday #24

The week that was irritating at the end… so the word of the week is ‘arghhhhh’. Sunday saw us nip in to town to return a few things and then I did a quick spin round Morrisons on my own (possibly for the last time in a while!) whilst Sam and Theo (Athenas godfather) took her to the park for…

Daddy… daddy… DADDY!

So guess what Athenas favourite word is right now? Yep, “DADDY”. She’s been able to say it for ages obviously but for the last three weeks or so it has been her most said word daily. I go in to get her in the morning and am greeted with ‘Daddy?!’ I go to pick her up from Nursery and am…

Food: Easter treats with Aldi

View post on A couple of weeks ago Aldi sent me a lovely hamper full of chocolate and alcohol, clearly the alcohol will need to wait a little while to be consumed (by me at least, Sam has been tucking in!) but the chocolate was a very welcome addition indeed! The idea was to try out some new alcohol…

Finally a comfortable night…

Our bed and mattress are around 5 years old now, and have almost seen me through two pregnancies as well as accommodating a larger than average husband too. We do turn the mattress frequently but as it wasn’t a particularly pricey one the begin with it is definitely starting to get uncomfortable. Even though we have a mattress protector on…

What’s in the hospital bag for baby!

  It’s much more fun packing the baby bag than the mama bag (but you can see what’s in my bag for a C section here) and I think I’ve re packed it about 3 times now! I’m using a lovely big Stokke nursing bag to fit it all in and am probably packing more than we’ll need but better to…

Bath fun: Pelican toy storage

View post on Athena loves baths and refuses to get out even once the water is cold! She has a lot of toys to play with for watery fun too which doesn’t help matters! Annoyingly the tiles in our bathroom have a slightly raised pattern so nothing with suction cups will stick to them, rendering traditional toy holders completely…

My tips for styling short hair

As you might know I had sixteen inches of hair chopped off last November (it got sent off to be made into a wig for children suffering from hair loss!) and since then I have been having fun playing around with different styles and products. When my  hair was super long I felt like I could hardly put any products…

Stuff on a Sunday #23

Sunday was Mothers day and I was treated to waffles in bed (the first batch with bacon and syrup and the second with chocolate philadelphia… yep I’m a fatty!) along with some Lindt chocolates, some pregnancy smellies and a card from Athena and one from Athena and the bump via Sam! I was super impressed as last year I got…

What the toddler wore – Animal Print

I rarely dress in animal print myself but for some reason a couple of weeks ago when deciding on an outfit for Athena I picked all the animal print out and shoved it on, and personally I think she rocks it! I’ve been meaning to do a lot more ‘What the toddler wore’ posts but just never seem to remember…


Pregnancy : Third trimester essentials and win 1of 3 Pregnancy pillow sets

Now I’m heading towards the end of my pregnancy (38 weeks today, hurrah!) I thought I’d put together a list of my third trimester pregnancy essentials for anyone heading in that direction A nice smelling bump oil & pampering goodies – Okay, the second part may not be an essential as such but definitely something nice to have! So many…

#BMbloggerswap with Bon Marche

Ever been to see a personal stylist? No, me neither. However the outfit in this post was put together for me by another blogger, which is probably as close as I’ll ever get! Recently Bon Marché decided to challenge a few bloggers to pick out an outfit for someone else, which sounded like a lot of fun but I did feel…

A home extension checklist

If you’re expecting a new addition to your family, but you’re having trouble finding a new place that isn’t triple the price, why not try building an extension? With today’s property market prone to seesawing all over the place, staying where you are can sometimes be the safest bet, but if you want to continue expanding your family, at some…