I’ve written before about how I’d like to create some sort of nest egg for my children but I would also very much like for them to understand money, its value and how to organise their finances a bit better than I did by the time I got to my teens and started earning my own pennies. My first job was…
Arlo has just turned two weeks old so I thought now would be a good time to write about our experience of breastfeeding from his birth to now, as part of my role as a Medela Mum [You can read my other posts on breastfeeding here] In the hospital he rooted for the breast and latched on (albeit clumsily and…
Arlo’s Birth story – A natural Caesarean section. You can read why I chose to have a 2nd C section here. After having our original C-section date postponed by four days (the longest days of my life, seemingly) we arrived at hospital at 7am only to be sat waiting until half past eight to be taken onto the ward to…
On Sunday we were meant to have a midwife visit but I had a call early in the morning asking if we could come into the hospital for the 5 day check as they were really busy and struggling to get round to everyone. This was fine by me as it meant we didn’t have to just hang around all…
March seemed like such a slow month, probably because we were patiently (ish) waiting for a new baby and I did everything at half-pace because I couldn’t do it any faster! I had finished work at the end of February so didn’t have to do any commuting to and from which was nice seeing as I was this big: So,…
I’m Polly (aka Brighton Mama) from Our Seaside Baby blog. This is the first time I have guest posted on another blog and what a wonderful blog this is! I first came across Belle du Brighton when researching moving down to Brighton a few years ago, offering me an insight into life in the city! Now, as a blogger myself…
The week when three became four! Sunday was incredibly windy and a little bit wet too! We had a brunch in town with friends and their daughter after a lay in (well Athena and Sam had a lay in… I was awake from half five as per normal! After brunch and a little perusal of the shops we headed home…
Yonks and yonks ago my good chum Donna tagged me in the ‘Sisterhood’ tag, and I wrote the answers then the blog post stayed in drafts for ages, but ha! I have resurrected it so here we go… I think I was meant to ask ten more bloggers ten questions of my own but I am finishing this post hurriedly…
I have been known to have a rant or two on this blog although more recently my rants about So Called Judgemental Parenting Posts and Baby Experts have been hosted on other lovely blogs! So here is another rant for Lauren to host whilst she’s busy having another baby! The one thing that winds me up every time I go into town, every time I…
Meet Arlo Hayden. He arrived via a planned Cesarean section on 31st March at 2.20pm. It was as natural as a C section could have been and he is utterly adorable, sleeping lots, making snuffling noises and generally being very cuddly. He weighed 7lb 13oz, one ounce less than Athena did! Shes met him and seems quite smitten with him,…
When I approached Lauren to ask her if she’d like me to guest post, it (almost) automatically sprung to my mind that I absolutely have to write about Brighton. Brighton is my favourite city in the world to visit, and whilst I haven’t exactly scoured the globe, I’m pretty confident that it will stay a firm favourite no matter where I…
Now we have two little people to care for and nurture (well, hopefully by the time you read this anyway!) Sam and I have been thinking about ways we can ensure a happy and hopefully prosperous future for our children. Although our income isn’t as high as it was when I was working full time as a hotel manager pre…