Mens BAFTA style inspiration

House of Fraser are sponsoring this years Baftas, which take place on the 10th May and bring together the best on screen talent together to celebrate and award the creme de la creme! It’s like the British version of the Oscars and the theatre will be full to the brim with celebrities! Many who will be walking the red carpet will…

Stuff on a Sunday #28

I love writing these weekly recap posts, and I’m already looking forward to reading them all at the end of the year! Last Saturday where I left off was pretty crap however Sunday was a new day and was pretty good as Sundays go! Sam was working but my lovely friend Emily (one of Athenas Godmothers) came over to spend…

Athena & Arlo: April 2015

Arlo arrived in March 31st, and Athena didn’t meet him until the next day, which was April 1st. This photo was taken within 10 minutes of them meeting, it was snapped on my phone but to me it is perfection… the complete acceptance from Athena of this tiny little being that for months she had been resting her head on…

Cheeky Rascals – My BritMums Live sponsors!

In June I am heading off to the UK’s biggest blogging conference, BritMums Live. It’s the first time I’m going and I literally cannot wait! Even more excitingly I have teamed up with the amazing online retailer of everything baby Cheeky Rascals, who have kindly offered to sponsor me to attend! I’m hoping that I will be able to pick…

What’s the difference between cava and prosecco?

Champagne is the most famous sparkling wine. Namely this drink first loudly declared the world that sparkling wines are noteworthy. However, in addition to champagne, there are many other types of sparkling wines with its own characteristics. And some of them are quite popular, especially Italian Prosecco and Spanish Cava. Prosecco is a popular Italian sparkling wine produced mainly in…

My Teething tips and tricks

We have had a glorious hiatus from teething and all associated symptoms for a good few months now as Athena seemed to get her teeth fairly early on and we’re now just waiting on her last set of molars to appear to give her her full complement of twenty gnashers. Of course knowing my luck Arlo will start to teeth…

My 1st Years – The Royal collection

With the Royal baby due any day now if you’re looking for a gift for new arrival that’s due soon then something with a Royal twist would be ideal! Everything below is from My 1st Years, home of the personalised baby gift! I absolutely love their range of gifts, and there is definitely something to suit every taste and budget!…

Great Expectations – Brighton Baby Shop

Last week I was kindly invited along to Great Expectations, a lovely independent baby shop on Lewes road. I’d not been in before so had no idea what to expect. The shop is well laid out with lots of different brands on display, and enough space to wheel buggies up and down for a test run (well, when the shop…

Baby Loves: Swaddle Up from Cheeky Rascals

We never swaddled Athena because I thought she didn’t like it. Maybe she didn’t, but in all honesty in my first-time-parent panic I probably didn’t do it tight enough for fear of hurting her or she cried momentarily so I thought she hated it and I gave up. I was therefore a little sceptical when Cheeky Rascals sent me the…

Pregnancy: Project B Box – Arrive

    My final Project B Box arrived the day after Arlo did, perfect timing! The final box is full of things to help you get settled with your new arrival, hence the title! In it are a full size Seascape & Halos N Horns body lotions, both of which smell divine! Arlo is so small that a little goes…

What my toddler eats… and a plea for help!

We’re having some food related issues at the moment, partly Athena being fussy and partly me being uninspired and not knowing what I can cook/prepare to encourage her to try new things that she might like! She has a good appetite but only for certain things, and she has a really sweet tooth! I freely admit to using packaged microwave…

Stuff on a Sunday #27

Sunday was lovely and bright, so we headed to Arundel for a walk round Swanbourne lake with the babies and both Nanna and Granny, and Aunty E…which made Athenas day! She actually fell over just as we started walking and was overtired too so she actually got pushed round sat in the carry cot of Arlo’s pram and I carried…