I’m still very much in a ‘I know this year has started but I am not ready to accept it and still very much reflecting on last year’ phase because I’ve not quite decided on my goals for the year yet am also still firmly in the ‘sloth’ frame of mind when it comes to work too. I was tagged in the ‘Top 7 Tag’ and it seemed like a lovely way to try and tie 2018 up and move forwards into a new year! So here we go…
Your Favourite 7 Posts from 2018
I’ve chosen the seven posts that make me happiest to read here, rather than the 7 posts with the most comments or views
Dirty Little Urchins – this is a post all about the joy of letting the kids become basically feral when we go camping. They love it, I love it and the pictures are some of my favourites this year

The Big Feastival – We had a blast at this festival, danced, drank, ate amazing food and the kids loved all the activities too, such a lovely weekend!

Loch Ness – in January I was lucky enough to spend three days at the most gorgeous hideaway Eagle Brae, near to Loch Ness which was just stunning

Date night in London– in May Sam and I had our only child free break, a night in London to see Hamilton at the theatre which was amazing, I just wish we got away more often!
Christmas at Marwell – This is when we really began to feel festive last year, and the kids always love the little performance, story and crafts before seeing Santa and it’s such a lovely family day out
Throwing Leaves – another ‘every day us’ post where I share a little ‘normal’ thing that I don’t want to forget as the kids get older.
Lake District – In October I had a trip with blogging friends to the Lake District, more stunning views and lots of chats and good company!
7 Things You Loved The Most About 2018
- Arlo getting a lot chattier and being able to explain himself a bit better, and gradually getting less frustrated and angry in turn…
- Seeing so many castles, three of which are sitting in my draft posts ready to be written about… whoops! I prefer exploring them than writing about them it seems!
- Festivals! We went to two this year and loved them both
- Camping and holidays with friends – we went on a holiday in Wales and about three camping trips with our best friends and every time was lovely!
- Visiting the Netherlands. I took a trip to The Hague to see my friend Karina and explore the city a bit, and it was a perfect little holiday just before having 6 weeks of the kids off school!
- Starting to make inroads into creating less waste and being more sustainable as a family – we’ve a long way to go yet but every little helps!
- New sofas & living room decor! In May I bought new sofas, a different design and colour to the old ones and we redecorated the living room, it’s so nice to be in now!
7 Things You Are Looking Forward to in 2019
- Decluttering the loft & getting a new roof
- Some family weekends away
- Reading some great books
- Arlo starting school
- A family holiday (maybe with friends)
- Hopefully a spa break or two
- Going to the gym more (that’s a lie, I’m not looking forward to going to the gym, more to the outcome of going to the gym – hopefully losing a bit of weight and getting more toned)
Tag 7 Bloggers to Take Part & thank the person who tagged you
Kate at Lesbemums
Lyndsay at Fizzy Peaches
Donna at What the Redhead Said
Laura at Laura’s Lovely Blog
Lucy at Mrs H’s Favourite Things
Zoe at ZoeBee
Chelle at Chelle McCann
And Tracy from One Frazzled Mum blog started the tag, her post is here:
Thanks so much for the tag – I will write my post next week. I hope you get to have a family holiday and weekends away in 2019
Thank you so much for the tag – I’m hoping this will kick me out of 2018 and into 2019. Like you, I’m still feeling very reflective!